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Old 19th October 2013, 12:04 PM   #8
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 15

Well, first of all, thanks for your comments so far. As for the questions: the length of the blade is 41 cm including the peksi, 34 without. It has no dress, I bought it as it is now, with the same handle, which doesn't mean it is the original one. If I have a close look at the elephants head, it has the same colour and material expression as the rest of the keris, on the other side of the keris the pamorline of the head extends down towards the base and merges with the other lines, so I can't imagine it to be a later addition. I will post additional pictures later to give more details about the construction. Also the outer tip of the gonjo received a bump during it's life (I'm innocent) and is slightly bent.
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