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Old 5th October 2013, 03:09 PM   #5
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My good and dear friend 'Nando,

Don't worry and do not humiliate yourself - there is no need for such a nonsense!
I admit getting fed up with everything and everybody during the last weeks of my hospitalization; it was getting so hard I cannot tell, too hard for me to bear anyway; I was on opiates (!) for most of the time, just trying to control the various pains. So please do not take my words seriously, they were uttered out of sheer despair ...

I feel I went thru all the seven hells (actually there was a whole lot more) and back again. I was part of John's Apocalypse, Dante's Inferno and all those cruel feelings described in unparalleled impressions in Nick Cave's Mercy Seat (the electric chair)

and perfectly interpreted by the late Johnny Cash:

I got tortured and tormented by a thousand sadistic devils, got burnt with hellfire and grilled on a fiendish barbecue - scenes perfectly depicted by Hieronymus Bosch!

I really cannot imagine where I would be today without your continuing care!!!

Now I will have to go to rehab for about 6 weeks soon, in order to do some exercise to fill the weakened muscles of my spine and the rest of my body with at least some of the strength that has all got lost during one year in bed ...

Of course I already have been busy leafing thru some posts that sound very promising, and I also noted we had a new German member Andi, who seems to be interested in some areas I can cover with sufficient authority!

As I said: please let me take my time and work my way thru these things; I will respond as quickly as possible, and have done so today on Dana W's thread on blunderbusses.

Thanks again, my warm-hearted and true friend!

With all my very best wishes,

Last edited by Matchlock; 5th October 2013 at 03:21 PM.
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