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Old 29th September 2013, 10:33 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Cerjak
Dear Fernando & Lain

Last detail I've forgot to mention: the point of balance is 10 centimeters from the crossgard ,a good score for a medieval sword ..... together ,guard pommel blade marks patination are a coherent whole !I don’t understand the skeptical opinion about this sword. In which elements of this sword the doubt could be based ?


Hi Jean-Luc, obviously since you have the sword in hand you are best placed to form an opinion on it. Unfortunately because of the large number of fakes on the market at the moment, both at auction and with private dealers, there are a lot of "too good to be true" swords out there as of course you know.

With your example the inlays are unusual. The condition of the inlay is also unusual for me, all of it appears to be intact. That's not impossible of course, but again, unusual. I could also say the slightly raised nature of the inlay is odd to me, but I am only used to handling swords with inlay with much less corrosion and losses to the blade material. So perhaps it is nothing and I am just ignorant.

It is of course not possible to determine authenticity just from photographs and I am certainly not an expert to do it in any case! But the points above really what made me think about this sword.

I hope of course it is entirely genuine, because it is really a very nice and unique example in that case.

All the best,
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