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Old 14th July 2013, 10:55 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Cakszz
I need to ask my grandfather to gather all information.. as his grandfather was the last headhunters.. we were stop head hunting after Tombang Anoi declartaion in year 1893.. a meeting of all Dayak tribes in Tumbang Anoi, central kalimantan.. and issued 96 laws to stop beheadings, slavery etc...
Cakszz, please forgive me for assuming to inform you about your own people, but there have been many instances of headhunting far into the 20th century. In fact heads were taken in disputes with Madurese migrants to Borneo at least as late as 2001.
In regards to my previous questions perhaps we are having a language problem. I am not questioning whether this bendable metal is a possibility. My question is WHY would you want to create a blade that would bend like this. It just seems impractical and i don't understand what purpose it serves to create such a blade.
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