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Old 18th June 2013, 07:40 AM   #10
Tatyana Dianova
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 682

It took me more than week to read the article – I can only imagine what time and effort it took to write it down! Alan, it’s really great that you have found a time and desire to publish the article and share your really insightful and deep research!
The presented Keris interpretation looks really convincing to me: it is straightforward and simple, and what is simple must be also true! It would be also interesting to know, why Keris has obtained its asymmetrical outline – on the early carvings its form is symmetric.
What is also interesting is the Shiva symbolism in Keris, which can be applied perfectly to the symbolism of Indian Katar! The triangular grooves and the tree of life on the central ridge of many Katar are even more obvious than on Keris. And there are Katar which have a wavy tree of life on the central ridge – maybe another food for new ideas :-) ?
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