Thread: Sword restored
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Old 25th May 2013, 03:22 PM   #6
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Hello Multumesc,

I am no expert on this era, but I believe that these types of hangers were used by French infantry during the Waterloo Battle. While I understand that the British had ceased using regulation hangers by this period, I believe that the French still retained the idea. Perhaps not every infantrymen, but at least the elite 'Old Guard' (or Republican Guard) and other elite troops would certainly have been issued this short sword - (see pic below).

To answer your question regarding the use of these by officers, I do not think that these were extensively used by officers; who would have had more elaborate and longer sabres, in line with their social status. French Infantrymen would use these hangers as an immediate back-up weapon in case they lose their muskets with fixed bayonets.

Hope this helps a little!

Kind regards,
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