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Old 11th April 2013, 08:41 AM   #24
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Originally Posted by David
Thanks Jean. I don't think that you need to scan the entire page since we do already have the photo, but i would like to read what is actually written about this keris if you can rewrite it here. For educational purposes copying a bit of text with credit to authorship is just fine with copyright laws AFAIK.
The English version of the text in the book is as follows:
"A kris titled Kanjeng Kyahi Seneng Pareng, which according to several verbal informations I gathered, was formerly the property of (the late) General Gatot Subroto (?). However the scabbard is already replaced. This kris has a Pasopati dhapur and a Wos Wutah pamor, and it is the work of Empu Supo while he was still in Blambangan. This can be verified from the sloping gandhik (collapsing backwards), and the lambe gajah occuring in the middle of the gandhik. This kris had been in the preservation of a collector from Surakarta named Hong An. Then the kris moved from one hand to the other. KRRA. Sukatno Purwoprojo, a former penjamas or bather of the Keraton Surakarta heirlooms (2004-2008) who had once menjamasi (bathed this kris), explained that the Kanjeng Kyahi Seneng Pareng always chooses its own master. Not everybody is suitable to keep it. Its warangka is of the gayaman bener design made of timoho wood (Kleinhovia hospita) with a diamond studded silver pendoq blewaq. Its hilt is a Tunggak Semi of the wanda (model) Yudhawinatan made of tayuman wood (Cassia laevigata)."

I take this opportunity to recommend to the forum members to purchase this excellent book from Toni Junus!
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