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Old 27th September 2005, 02:34 AM   #13
Vikingsword Staff
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Smile Observations

Hi Antonio ,
I think it is a tough row to hoe trying to get modern culture to accept swords as works of art without somehow gelding them (if even possible) of their real purpose in the doing .

Swords were meant to spill other mens' blood pure and simple ; they are an elemental tool used to impose one man's will upon another and in today's PC world this is a very high hurdle to overcome .

I believe the visceral reaction of most of today's 'modern' peoples (non sword aficionados) to art swords will be of a blood letting device ; albeit a very pretty one , and regardles of how new , still viewed as anachronistic , an object for achieving human destruction which is used in a very intimate way .

I guess that I come to this conclusion from interaction with my friends and acquaintances ; when they see my kerisses and krisses yes , they can appreciate the work and artistry but they are still creeped out by their intended function , not to mention the bloody history of some of them .

You face a challenge that is for sure ; for that matter we all face the challenge of being able to continue to possess these marvelous objects in the gathering storm of government sponsored weapons restrictions all over the world .

Last edited by Rick; 27th September 2005 at 02:46 AM.
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