Thread: Figural !
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Old 29th November 2012, 08:54 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
Yes Detlef, $100 is not much to gamble. No matter what the hilt is made from, the total object is probably worth what you paid for it. I used to buy similar objects at a similar level many years ago, its probably a good learning exercise, but its empirical learning. I'm certain that if you remain interested in keris, that sooner or later you will find that your money is better protected and your collecting experience enhanced by buying from slightly more reliable sources than ebay. Living in Europe as you do, I feel that you would find many available sources if you put in the time to look.

You're correct Alan, I have used such sources and still use them but on the other hand I've got keris & keris handles from ebay by prices I would have paid a lot more by this sources, remember this: or this:

Best regards,

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