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Old 4th July 2012, 08:13 AM   #39
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,252

Congrats, Timo - interesting acquisitions!

I'd posit that all warrant etching and close-ups posted in seperate, dedicated threads.

#3 is 565g, about 6mm thick near the hilt. Cuts very nicely. The grip is wrapped in cord (hemp?), going over part of the metal fittings. What sins might it hide?
Is that cord or fabric? Cord wrappings over the silver sleeve a very common to enhance the grip. Looks like a good, antique warrior piece to me and close-ups may tell wether any work needs to be done.

#4 is 610g, about 6.5mm thick near the hilt. Blade has broad fuller (or should I call it hollow-forged?). Seems like a very heavy hilt. Just cleaned this yesterday; it was a little dirty when I got it (very recently).
That's a shandigan blade (the wear may indicate quite a bit of age). Neat scabbard and hilt - I like it!

The scabbard is in poor shape, with lots of splits in the wood along the grain, and the two halves mostly separate. But nothing missing, so just the kind of thing that would be "traditionally" fixed by wrapping with black electrical tape. A less Western solution would be rattan or hemp cord. Would need to lacquer (or some suitable glue). Is there any traditional of fabric wrapping?
Rattan would be the way to go if really needed. Any wooden pins remaining or traces of these? A careful restoration should help to preserve this scabbard.

Is #5 a barong? The blade has an asymmetric profile - the left side is flat, and the right side is convex. The blade is thin; just over 5mm at the hilt, but within a few centimetres, it thins to about 4.5mm.
No. Visayan and looks pretty recent (post WW2).

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