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Old 28th June 2012, 09:24 PM   #21
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Thank you so much Jens, and I entirely agree the newly acquired example is likely Rajasthan, and it would be difficult to say if Rajput or Mughal as often the Rajputs were of course Mughal allies and the diffusion would be unclear.
There is always the very elusive possibility that like many tulwars it could even be Sikh.

Which brings me to the identification of Sikh swords, as we are hoping for information here from certain Sikh associates concerning the use of the term tegha. I recall some years ago when I sought to discover if there were any particular guidelines or characteristics, markings etc. which might help in identifying a sword as of Sikh provenance.
I contacted various Sikh individuals and respectfully asked them these questions to which only vague responses were given, with the final response from one gentleman, 'if a Sikh used the sword...then it is Sikh!"
Naturally I would hope for a bit more useful information, but we must again consider the nature of the question.

Since it would seem that the Western need for concise classifications and categorizations ,which often seems to both puzzle and amuse ethnic and tribal informants being interviewed, perhaps we should consider a 'dictionary' of sword or weapon terms. The number of examples of course would be substantial, but to address our 'tegha' term, it might be as follows, and using the various applications:

Tegha: as used in India for the following,
1.) the blade of a sword, glaive, falchion, knife razor (from Persian 'tegh')
2.)A broad, heavy bladed tulwar, curved and used by Muslim warriors
3.) A broad, heavy bladed khanda used by Hindu warriors
4.)a sword with very deeply curved blade during Mughal period (Rawson, 1968,p.18)
5.) a sword , also nimcha or goliah, small and light with slight curve
and Persian script describing deities (Egerton, 1880, p.123)
6.a heavy sword slightly curved and worn by men of rank
7.also goliah executioners or headsmans sword with heavy blade
9.a short, broad heavy blade with two grooves (Egerton, p.117)

This would enable the use of subclassifications in sword identification catalogs by parenthesizing the applicable use notation and reduce the ever present terminology debates.

All the best,
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