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Old 18th June 2012, 02:51 AM   #4
A.alnakkas's Avatar
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Originally Posted by RSWORD
My opinion is that this is a transcaucasian sword with a blade in the Persian trade blade style and would date to the mid to late 19th century. The segmented fullers, the wide middle fuller and of course the two cartouche are reminiscent of Persian trade blades which can be found in a variety of blade shapes, quality of chiseling, etc. If you do a search function for Persian trade blade you probably will find several other threads about the genre. The size of the blade and the fact it is a pattern welded steel and the decoration on the crossguard all point in my opinion towards the Caucasus. Given its overall length perhaps a horseman's saber as opposed to an executioner's sword. A nice sword and would be happy if you shared other shamshir in your collection.
Decoration on the crossguard is Syrian, they use several patterns, sometimes circles or triangles etc. They still make these there and sometimes you get to see authentic wootz shamshirs with such refurbishment, I believe you own/owned some aswell :P

Syrian bladesmiths are good and they can make pattern welded blades, so unless there are more examples of old Persian trade blades that are pattern welded rather then wootz then this could be as old as 19th century.
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