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Old 28th April 2012, 03:21 PM   #2
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Hi Colin and Stan,
thanks for your input

I appreciate that 'any' scissors could be used as a weapon, and know that in several murder cases .......scissors were the weapon used. However, the example I've shown is an unusual 'configaration. The finger 'loops' , in a closed position form, a perfect hilt/handle. Although this does not mean that it is a weapon, it strongly suggest a double use. You could argue that the 'closed' position would make it more 'compact' for carrying purposes, but the positioning of the finger 'loops' make it more awkward to use as scissors and the advantage of a more 'compact' closed scissor 'gained' is not worthwhile

If the scissor/dagger does exist ...I believe this example is likely to be a 'real' one. Many of the other examples 'touted' as such ...just seem to be elongated, perhaps for a specific use ....tailor's scissors tend to be long, for instance, to give a more accurate cut for 'distance cutting.

All the best
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