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Old 27th February 2012, 11:22 PM   #34
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 608


Wouldn't you think that if all these examples were "fake" as you (IMO erroneously) are so quick to claim, that maybe... just maybe, someone - just one person - might have gone on record stating as much?

The first example I posted was, as I wrote, originally posted on BF, and is from a museum-quality collection owned by an esteemed collector. Don't you think BRL would have chimed in if he had found the example to be anything less than authentic? When has he ever not?

Flayderman also shows multiple documented examples of pre-Civil War knives in his treatise on the Bowie knife (link here), made in Sheffield, for the American market, that clearly show the use of a sans serif font.

Once again - if you can find me one... just one example of a "fake" imported knock-off that executed the well-known "U*S" trademark as present and as it appears on my example, I will very seriously consider sending you the knife. For free. Of course, you will understand if I don't hold my breath, as such as example will not be forthcoming.

Again, I believe the evidence in support of the use of sans serif fonts in England by the mid-19th century is insurmountable. Anyway, I will expand further in the new thread dedicated to this discussion, here:


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