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Old 14th December 2011, 05:58 AM   #7
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Kennewick, WA
Posts: 33

I would like to return to the blade nomenclature if you don't mind, I've been poking around trying to figure out why I am calling this a sansibar and admittedly trying to get good sources is difficult with lots of references going to various retail outlets, but one seemed somewhat credible. The Macau Museum of Art display from 2006 lists the images as Tenegre and Sansibar and sourcing out of the Visayas, the following image sources blades from Luzon including what it is calling a tabak (first blade on the left). I understand members of this forum contributed to the display, were these blades misidentified by the Museum? I am perfectly happy to be wrong, I just want to know why I am wrong.
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