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Old 8th November 2011, 08:03 AM   #34
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 20

In Javanese wayang, the punakawan characters consist of Semar, Gareng, Bagong, and Petruk. In Balinese wayang in the other hand, the character consist of Twalen and Merdah (the maids of Pandawa) and Delem and Sangut (the maids of Kurawa).

-Semar is the care-giver of Pandawa. His name is also Hyang Ismaya. Even though his appearance is so ugly, he has a supernatural ability that is greater than the gods'.

-Gareng is one of Semar's sons which means he is revered. Nalagareng cannot speak well; furthermore, whatever he says can be totally wrong. However, he is a very funny and hilarious man. He has been a king of Paranggumiwang and has a name Pandubergola. He was elected to be a king in the name of Dewi Sumbadra. He is so powerful and can only be defeated by Petruk.

-Bagong means shadow of Semar. When Semar was sent to the earth, the gods stated that his shadow became his friend. Suddenly, his shadow was transformed to be Bagong. Bagong has unique personality: he is assertive and like to pretend to be stupid. He is also so funny.

-Petruk is Semar's son with the sweet face and smile. He is a smart speaker and a funny man. He likes to ridicule atrocity with his comedy. Petruk has been a king at the state of Ngrancang Kencana and is named Helgeduelbek. In one story, he took the Kalimasada amulet. Nobody can defeat him except Gareng.

About the "fierce" look of twalen, in the region of the old capital -Singaraja- Twalen is also used by ceremonies like filing of the teeth, to transfer the offerings to the gods. In Jawa and the ubud-denpasar region this function of messenger between the worlds is maybe less present. Twalen in singaraja is not considered a clown. Delem is red in our neck of the sawa's, since he's Twalens "evil" twin. Merdah is Black/brownish.

About the different styles, Balinese people are considered use an understatement...rules are there to be bent.
There are regional differences, and commercial differences.
My wife is still amazed they sell all that "old stuff" Tukad Mungga we just trow it away when its old or broken.

Sorry for my english.
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