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Old 21st October 2011, 11:20 PM   #4
Richard Furrer
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin
Posts: 163

I really look forward to Dr. Feuerbach's book when she puts it out.
I recently ran a Merv crucible run here in the shop..learned a lot even though it failed...nothing to do with Ann's input ..more operator error on my end with a new technology.

I am as opinionated as anyone..its just that, working alone as I do, I find that nobody in the room cares much what I think..and the steel cares even less.

A walk through a museum is a different experience for you than it is for me. I am looking at display as a schoolroom..items I need to deconstruct and make my own... techniques to develop and make my own. A single display case often has more work in it that I will produce in my lifetime and of a level I may only reach when my journey is near its end. steel is my focus, the blade as a a process...not the many faceted other aspects of what we call arms. I leave that to you educated lot, from whom I have gleaned much.

Ric....who's interest is most often gone once the work becomes room temperature.
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