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Old 18th October 2011, 05:15 PM   #4
Ibrahiim al Balooshi
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Originally Posted by Steve
Thanks Michael,
Interesting photos, pity the publisher disfigured so many he has copyright on until they are almost unrecognisable. Defeats the purpose of publishing on the internet- I would think.
However I think I can add some associated jambiyas.
There should be three photos attached to this reply.
The first one is a jambiya belonging to Sayid Abdullah Al-Wazeer who died in 1962 after a brief one month as Imam in Sana'a. He was executed by the rightfull successor, The crown Prince Ahmad. The silver and gold work is exceptionally fine. It is safely in my collection.
The second photo is of the jambiya dagger belonging to the Crown Prince Ahmad, eventually titled Imam Ahmad. This dagger is still worn by a tribal shiek and reportedly last sold for US$1 million.
The third photo is supposedly of the scabbard belt etc. belonging to Imam Ahmad. I had a brief brush with it a few years ago and it has disappeared somewhere in Germany ( I think). If anyone knows its whereabouts please send me a PM. It is gold work on iron and very unusual. Except for the inscription containing the Imam's name it can't be verified as belonging to him.

Well that's about all I can add. The jambiyas belonging to the dignitaries photographed are still out there somewhere.

1.Steve ~I have never seen better Yemeni Jambiyas than these.
2.Michael I spent hours looking round that reference it was brilliant.. Thanks. Ibrahiim.
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