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Old 19th September 2011, 01:32 PM   #5
Fernando K
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 665

Hola, Rick

La llave (lock) es probablemente una llave (lock) construída en Italia, con influencia de la llave (lock) "a la Romana" (roman lock) y de la llave (lock) de chispa clásica (flntlock). Sería lo que los españoles llamaban " a las 3 modas".

De llave (cock) "a la romana" toma la disposición del muelle del rastrillo (frizzen), que está situado delante del resorte Hola, Rick

La llave (lock) es probablemente una llave (lock) construída en Italia, con influencia de la llave (lock) "a la Romana" (roman lock) y de la llave (lock) de chispa clásica (flntlock). Sería mayor y no queda oculto por la brida (bridge) de la cazoleta (pan) que en el miguele (miquelet) clásico es postizo.

De la llave de chispa (flintlock) toma la brida ( bridge) del rastrillo (frizzen) que es fijada a la cazoleta (pan) y no postiza: y la mandíbula superior, que no tiene apendice que se introduce en la mandibula inferior o en el cuerpo del gatillo (cock), sino que corre en la su columna.

El método de disparo es el del miquelete clásico.

LAVIN , en su apendice, pagina 239, trae la tarifa fijada para una llave (cock) "a las 3 modas": "Plantilla con el estribillo en la cazoleta"

También algunos armeros españoles fabricaron esta llave.

Afectuosamente. Fernando

Hello, Rick

The Key (lock) is probably a key (lock), built in Italy, influenced by the key (lock) "to La Romana" (Roman lock) and key (lock) classic spark (flntlock). It would be what the Spanish called "fashion at 3."

Key (cock) "to the Roman" takes the provision of spring rake (frizzes), which is located opposite the spring Hello, Rick

The Key (lock) is probably a key (lock), built in Italy, influenced by the key (lock) "to La Romana" (Roman lock) and key (lock) classic spark (flntlock). Would be greater and is not hidden by the flange (bridge) of the bowl (pan) in the Michael (Miquelet) classic is fake.

From flintlock (flintlock) takes the clamp (bridge) the rake (frizzes) which is fixed to the pan (bread) and not fake, and the upper jaw, which has no appendix that is inserted into the lower jaw or the body of the trigger (cock), but runs in his column.

The shooting method is the classic Miquelet.

Lavin, in his appendix, page 239, bringing the tariff set for a key (cock) "at 3 fashion": "Talk with the chorus in the bowl"

Also some Spanish gunsmiths produced the key.

Sincerely. Fernando
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