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Old 1st August 2011, 07:40 AM   #9
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Toulouse - FRANCE
Posts: 83

Hi guys,

Fernando and Norman are right for the datation: 1260 A.H. 1844 A.D.
The qualification of Algerian rifle is also right but too wide.

In fact, we find 2 types of guns in Algeria:
the first is the berber gun whose stock is less wide than the type of the berber from Tetouan and Riff (Morocco).
the other is the Kabyle gun whose stock is the more narrow of all.
Same barrel and flintlock.

Now, the berber gun knew an embargo sooner than the berber one. After the fall of the regency of Algiers (1830), french troops regained most of the arms of the conquered territories and it was no longer possible to manufacture because the barrels were no longer imported.
The model kabyle survived longer until the fall of Kabylie in 1857.

See on my site BLADE,
the Berber Tetouan model...
The berber algerian model...
The Algerian Kabyle model...
as often for this type of weapon, the decoration is later than the manufacture of the gun. Here barrel is XVIII° as flintlock and decoration is AH 1290/AD 1873

Hope that help.

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