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Old 21st July 2011, 05:56 PM   #11
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Thank you so much for your input and pictures Michl.
You will notice that, it has been almost two years since i posted this sword. In the meantime i have learned a bit more about it, namely on the typology side. It seems as the Walloon term has been used (and abused) to define the swords within a detemined area of characteristics. Such is the case of my example; having bought it as being a Wallon sword, i later learned that it is in fact, as you well alert, a Dragoon sword ... although, i repeat, it falls within the Walloon range in several sources.
As for its country of origin, that is indeed my actual concern. Certainly the (regimental) marks in the pommel would bring some light to it but, so far, no one has yet identified them.
Worthy of note is what seems to be the signature of its ownner/user in one of its guard branches.

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