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Old 10th February 2011, 10:02 AM   #13
EAAF Staff
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Upstate New York, USA
Posts: 900
Thumbs up I like these too!

Congratulations, espada, this appears to be a very nice southern long rifle! I must say that I like the simpler ones like this without too much in the way of added 'frills,' but with fine quality of the core components and construction.

I briefly collected American long rifles a couple of decades ago and I do continue to enjoy them.

When I got my new camera last fall I took down another 'late' example that hangs over my fireplace (a relatively 'modern' display position, I am told - as iconic as horned helmets on Vikings, but also not very likely where these rifles were actually kept 'in their day') while testing the camera out. I soon lost mild cloudy days and my driveway studio is now a frigid snow canyon. I posted those pictures on another forum specializing in this area. It was interesting to work out a hypothesis about who had actually made this rifle as my reference books are contradictory and confused about several riflesmiths named 'Christian Beck,' but I believe (and I know there are those better informed than I who disagree that the man existed) that this relatively late example is the work of the son of one of the most celebrated makers, J. P. Beck.

Discussions of American long rifles are most welcome here, but I would recommend members interested in the subject also peruse the American Longrifles forum.
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