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Old 30th December 2010, 06:18 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by David
Awesome and unusual hilt. I don't know if a Solo style yudowinatan hilt would come from Cirebon though.
Just and FYI, despite the name German Silver or Nickel Silver as it is also known actually contains no silver at all. It is generally composed of copper, nickel and zinc.

Thank you David for comment and brighten up the picture, the core is better to seen now. I am aware that there is no silver contain in German Silver but it's as well possible that the metal is a low silver alloy, I am unsure by this since I haven't test it until now.
The yudowinatan style of the hilt and the information from the seller that it come from Cirebon have been the reason why I post this hilt here. Without his information I would be sure that it is a hilt from Central Java, i.e. Solo. But I know that the seller have a very good knowledge and hope he see this thread and will be able to explain his conclusion. So the discussion is open for all to determine the origin of this hilt since I am not aware to have seen a similar hilt somewhere until now.


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