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Old 8th December 2010, 05:47 PM   #1
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Talking new takouba and I'm stumped

I need a bit of ID help here. Got this in the mail today, apologies in advance for less than perfect pictures flat is a bit of a mess at the moment and my usual setup wasn't available.

This takouba has me scratching my head. I've seen solid brass hilts before, but never this level of detail from what was obviously a lost wax cast. Additionally it is hollow inside and appears to have a cast core in the center housing the tang - pretty complex. The material I assume is bras.. but it is awfully shiny and not at all like other brass takouba hilts I have. Not recent, there is a lot of age pitting. Also none magnetic and doesn't want to stain with a bit of vinegar. I'd hesitate to say gold plating, but it's not like any native brass I've seen before. The stacked pommel seems like a precursor of the Tuareg style, very architectural feel.

The blade is another weird thing, it looks kind of bad but actually has good spring, I was pretty surprised. Bit soft but that's expected with these native forged blades. The other thing that surprised me is, I have one other solid hilt, it was pretty dull seemed more ceremonial perhaps. So I figured likely the same on this one. Wrong... Nice and sharp, few edge nicks from blade on blade contact and a couple of dents. Obviously been fought with. The fullers are forged in, you can see the breaks where the smith didn't exactly get them lined up perfectly. The blade has a lot of deep pitting and age. Distal taper is evident. Doesn't not fit the profile of other blades I have, I'm certain it isn't Hausa made, certainly not Tuareg. Any in case anyone asks, yes the pictures are correct in showing a slight cant in how the blade is mounted. Seems intentional.

I'm stumped. Anybody see anything to ID an ethnic group from the hilt decoration? Casting style? Anything? I'm very intrigued by this one. Any comments appreciated.
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