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Old 16th November 2010, 08:23 AM   #7
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Thanks Maurice,

The ones you have are among the very few I know about outside of musea. Probably they are rarer as you mentioned than the rattan ones. I guess often they are not recognized as Aceh shields either.

The decorated ones probably do not come from Aceh but Minang Kabau and are often called dancing shields.....The decorated shields I do see are almost always old - from before 1940.

Originally Posted by Maurice
I have two of the real old brass ones, made for war, and not those which pop up regularly and are also old, but made for tourists.
When seeing and holding the real ones next to the touristic ones, you can feel the differences easily.
The old "non touristic" ones are much heavier and also very plain, and not that ornamented as the touristic ones!

By the way I have crossed more ratan atjeh shields as brass "non touristic" ones..

Nice to know is that the old brass ones that were found in the Nijmegen muweum, and all came from important knil people and old collections, are all plain. There is not one to be found that is decorated in the front, so this has to be the proof that those ornamented brass ones are touristic pieces.
Also I have never seen old pictures of Atjeh warriors with an ornamented brass peurise holding.....

Nice image Erik! You have the best Atjeh stuff around!

Kind Regards,

Last edited by erikscollectables; 16th November 2010 at 09:30 AM.
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