Thread: Cuban Machete
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Old 19th June 2005, 09:27 AM   #11
tom hyle
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Houston, TX, USA
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Love machete. Just let me make a quick reference to my idea that though it is commonly referenced as of European descent through common farmers' and soldiers' hangers/langmessers/etc. that were often officially/traditionally "knives" though really swords, and were used for work as well as for self-defence etc., and though such descent is a visible and valid factor, Though all that, I believe that machete is a sword that came to exist around the caribean and the East coasts of the Americas, and that came to exist in the hands of African captive slaves. in this context the resemblance of its thin-ness/flatness to African fighting swords, as well as the wide rounded slashing tip, the sharpening only toward the tip (takouba anyone?), and the non(modern)European flipped-wrist cutting style that goes with it, as well as the resemblance of a popular type to African mambeles, should not be ignored.
Two relevant examples from my experience: A billhook type machete, of the type I've referenced as mambeloid; forward hooked, but with a curvature more like (Zande etc.) mambele than European bill hooks, and widens toward the forward-curved end. A common type; not perhaps "true" machete; it's one of those feilds where there's like machete per se (rounded, non-narrowed cutting tip[often widened, but always not narrowed]) and surounding it a field of pretty definite machetoids that are either similar in construction (thin-ness, etc.) but of different outline, or similar in outline, but of more swordlike cross-section (like some of the military "machetes" we've already mentioned). Seen in the Hertzog/Kinski movie Cobra Verde, where, as fairly usual in the Caribean, it is called a cutlass=couteaux=knife=messer (zipped across that, eh?). Mine has a relatively thick unsharp shaft and a wide thin cutting head, like some African weapons commonly ID'd as "throwing knives). The handle was stitched, urine-tanned leather over a horsehair padding, and was dry rotted beyond even the gentlest of handling . This type of handle construction is also seen on African arms (particularly of the "throwing knife" type), with the same stitched leather grip over a sometimes mushy matrix around the tang (though the leather cure seemed to be N American Indian style, this tan was commonly used by low-caste rural mixed-blood/white people in N America up thru the early 20th; It's unsurprising if it bled over to African Americans/expatriated slaves, either as a technique, or as traded leather.)
Example B; an old sword that had been used as a prop, for sale on ebay a few years ago from the movie Cold Mountain (which I haven't seen; no idea if it's a prominant prop or in the background in a battle scene or what); a sword, I'm guessing Gulla; a, not so much A'Zande, as N'Gombe, style mambele; exactly, but with two alterations; a round hole in the tip ala European meat cleavers, and flat tang with rivetted scales; went without bids for I think $25. Tom and Conogre were broke, so don't blame us Heck of an interesting sword. Love machete.

Last edited by tom hyle; 19th June 2005 at 05:21 PM.
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