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Old 16th June 2005, 01:26 AM   #1
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Question A Javanese Wedung...questions and comments

I had been looking for a GOOD one of these 'Wedungs' for a long time, and finally EBAY came through for me. The problem is that these are still made today, like kerises, normally smaller than the older ones, and often with less defined pamor.

I was tickled to get this large, heavy(almost 3lbs!) example that shows some age. The blade is very thick and heavy, and though ceremonial, I can actually imagine this one hacking away at brush as they were originally designed to do. The blade has a clear, nice pamor. The scabbard is very well made, heavy as well, and features the classic horn 'belt loop' that characterize these in the form of a snake, or naga.

So, for you keris pamor experts out there(attention Adni and Dave Henkel !!) is there any way to have an idea of the age?? Note there is nice patination to the scabbard and that the metal portion of the hilt is heavily patinated, much more so than the blade.

I'd love to know more and hear any knowledge you have to offer on this wedung.
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