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Old 16th September 2010, 11:43 PM   #20
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,763

Precisely Rick.

I know of one family in East Jawa that has been producing intentional forgeries of fake keris buda and other archaic forms, for at least thirty years. I say "family" because it was originally one man, but I have heard that his son began working with the father a couple of years ago.

These forgeries are excellent, and I have been stung once.

Going back a few years keris buda were not particularly valuable and not particularly sought after, however, that is now very, very different. A good, genuine keris buda will bring a very heavy price indeed. We're not talking small money here, we are talking very serious money. But only for the real thing.

In some areas it is best to keep information to oneself.
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