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Old 13th September 2010, 11:43 PM   #6
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,236

Of course it might be a composite keris from completely unrelated parts, but then what was the motivation of combining these items?
Mixing and matching parts of a keris apparently has a long tradition all over the archipelago. There are enough examples that appear to be genuine and possibly based on personal preferences.

However, wild composites from several areas and including parts of lower quality are often seen offered from Java/Madura. Genuine spare parts from other regions are apparently often not available cheap enough to warrant the investment. Local craftsmen also try to copy "foreign" hilt and scabbard styles but these tend to be easy to spot since usually the flow of lines is off.

Maybe the ensemble was combined by a european collector from "spare parts".
Also a possibility - same approach to a similar situation...

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