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Old 9th September 2010, 04:46 AM   #14
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,764

Oh dear me no!

I would never presume to accept such responsibility.

That "--- maybe not." should be a "definitely not".

These pantuns are your work, and should remain your work, apart from which this form is completely outside my repertoire.

I would most respectfully request however, that you note my comments were made as a respectful suggestion.

The nature of a suggestion is that it something presented for consideration.

The nature of advice is that it is offered as a recommendation for future action.

I have not offered you any advice, merely a suggestion.

I would hesitate to offer my advice in any respect to one as intelligent as you clearly are, Big G.

The art of the pantun is not one I can claim, however, I can claim some small aptitude in some other literary fields, and some would consider that my respectful suggestion could perhaps be considered by one wishing to showcase his literary skills.

In any case, my suggestion in respect of your translations is a side issue, consider it, or do not consider it, this is of absolutely no moment to me. It matters not one iota to me if your original pantuns in Malay lose much of their cleverness and beauty when you attempt to replicate in English.

However, may I repeat my request that you who are so skilled in this literary form devote just a little of your time and intelligence to explaining for those who are outside your culture the place of the pantun in Malay culture, and its form.In the absence of such understanding, I fear that much of your art is neither appreciated nor understood by many amongst us.

As an example, if an educated person whose cultural and language base was English encountered a pantun, he would judge it by standards within his experience, and as such he would very probably undervalue it, having in his mind the rhyming games of children.

My suggestion is that you consider provision of an explanation of the pantun and its place in your culture, in order that your art be given the weight that is its due by those lacking an understanding of this aspect of your literary tradition.
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