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Old 7th August 2010, 08:58 AM   #1
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,752
Default The Ultimate Bibliography of Malay Edged Weapons

Tim Rogers is an Englishman who retired a few years ago from his position as Deputy Keeper of Western Manuscripts, at the Bodleian Library in Oxford , UK.

Tim has had a long standing interest in the edged weaponry of South East Asia , and back in 1995 he produced a catalogue of North Sumatran Weapon names . However, this was just a little side trip for Tim. For many years he has been compiling what I believe to be the most comprehensive bibliography ever to be attempted, of books dealing with the edged weaponry of the Malay World. In his own words:-

" The present work lists all the books and articles relating to Filipino, Indonesian, and Malay edged weapons that the compiler has been able to find, with special emphasis on illustrations."

The entries in Tim's bibliography often contain lengthy quotes from the books listed, and he has gone further in his listings than just "books and articles" . This bibliography lists catalogues of items for sale, calendars, in fact just about everything that has some mention or photograph of this class of weaponry --- to say that this bibliography is comprehensive is still an understatement.

This work is almost complete and is expected to be published some time next year. I have read the penultimate draft, and in my opinion it is a "must have" for any serious student of the edged weaponry of the Malay World.

I will advise further details as they become available.
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