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Old 18th July 2010, 01:45 PM   #1
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Originally Posted by Nathaniel
Interesting piece...I love the repousse silver work as well. I would love to add a repoussed silver dha to the collection sometime with figures such as was fantastic seeing Mark's at the Seminar this spring!

What is puzzling to me is why most of these heavily silver repousse swords appear to be exclusive to Burma? Would you say Burman to be specific Mark?

(Along with the Koftgari would be burman? Versus Kachin/ Shan. I'm sure the Koftgari was picked up from neighboring India.)

I've seen beautiful repoussed bowls from northern Thailand and Laos.
No idea why the deep repousse work on swords is exclusively Burman (I believe it is) - as you say, the technique is hardly unique to Burma. Quirk of history or taste, perhaps. As for what this is, I doubt it is a sword or dagger hanger. Its too small and the hook on the back would not, I think, be a very secure belt/sash attachment with something so heavy hanging off of it. The swords and daggers I have seen with similar decoration invariably have rings on the scabbard for a baldric cord attachment. I'm baffled.
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