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Old 9th July 2010, 05:31 PM   #33
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 338

Originally Posted by Bill
Sorry didn't mean to break the rules. Didn't mean the original posting but the later example. I don't have a good knowledge of metals but trying to attach/adhere two different metals is tough.
A flimsy piece of metal won't stick to the steel blade.
My first thought was later functionality.
Appears there's something more.
Perhaps it is just decoration, but I 'm somewhat leery of that.

This is a great posting, in the sense of, restoration vs. preserving.
I don't think the hilt represents the original sword & on the other hand, changing the wear, removes history/use.

It is easy to see that many of these swords are being "updated". I'm guilty of repairing/replacing. Difference between nickel & silver is only $10/less in most cases of repairs. The original sword, in this posting deserves better dress & on the other hand, it should be preserved. Don't know right answer.
If for purely aesthetic reasons, I disagree. The dress that charles and phillip have chosen for the blade are beautiful and simple, which let the beauty of the blade take the spotlight so to speak while at the same time not detracting from the piece as a whole. I myself quite enjoy the work they've done.

By the way, this also prompts me to ask another question: Which part of this work was Phillip's and which was the work of Charles? It is all very lovely!
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