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Old 25th June 2010, 02:02 PM   #11
Bill M
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Great response and good info, Tom. Let's "dumb it down" a bit for the average person. Right now they are not asking, for example, the difference in a Sulu Kris and one from Mindanao. But there are basic questions.....

Granted, a kris has a asymmetrical ganja. I have also heard it is a "cork in the bottle" to hold the Djinn/Spirit in the blade.

But, why does it look like that? Why Asymmetrical? Someone went to a LOT of work to make the ganja look like that. Why? What is the ritual where the Djinn is "invited" into the blade? How is the kris venerated? Ceremonies? Specifics? I know a little about the yearly ceremonies for Javanese (during Ramadan, would like some pictures BTW), but what about the PI Kris?

I know the answers to some of these, but I certainly have gaps (often LARGE gaps).

How did a person get qualified to be a kris holder?

When did a person decide to carry a kampilan instead of a kris? A Barong? Were barongs more regional, like Sulu, or were they carried (concealed) by a person who wanted to get in close to an enemy?

Were panabas weapons of choice for any group, or just an agricultural device that graduated to a "mop up" weapon after a battle to kill the wounded without accidentally hitting the ground with a better blade? And enforce Sharia law?

I am having a great time with this! Learning a flow, a big picture! Thanks again!
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