The cross-guard of this takouba of "central" type is covered with red-brown leather except for brass at the tips, which is overlain in-turn by copper and white metal on the display face of the hilt. A central brass plate with copper and white metal overlay is also present centrally on the display face of the cross-guard. Engraved decoration is present on these metallic enhancements. The pommel shows a stacked pyramid tip of four layers, alternating between copper and brass. A later repair to the pommel with alternating brass and synthetic (linoleum?!) layers is seen near the tip.

 The blade is of the typical form, having three narrow fullers, the central being the longest, and running almost to the tip. The fullers appear to be ground. The half-moon marks are clearly recognizable as such. Overall length: 99.5 cm. (39.2 inches); blade length: 85 cm. (33.4 inches).

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Copyright © 1998 by Lee A. Jones